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Posts Tagged ‘Bigotry Against Babies

Jimmy Kimmel’s Crew Shows Contempt for Pro-lifers Civil Rights and Physical Safety

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In a blatant attempt to stifle the First Amendment rights of a group of pro-life protesters who had been demonstrating across from their studios, crew members from the Jimmy Kimmell Show put the spotlight on a group leader, literally, melting his silicone bracelet and turning his skin red after about 10-15 minutes under the hot lights.

The crew was also heard shouting “F*ck you!” several times as the protesters voiced their objections to having their First Amendment and civil rights so blatantly violated.

One can only guess at why the liberal crew members would risk causing physical injury to another human being. Being professional lighting operators, they must have known the lights could cause injury if used in a manner that was inconsistent with the manufacturers instructions. Can this be counted as an assault? I say yes, it can.

One Kimmell staffer who was disturbed by the photos of dead, bloody fetal children, told the group, “I don’t want to see that…”

Oh, REALLY? Well, if it’s so offensive that you can’t stand to look at the tattered bodies of innocent fetal children, then perhaps you should not support the wholesale murder of 4,000+ babies aborted against their will every day in this nation solely based on their inconvenient location. (Duh.)

After “police” arrived, it was shown that they were simply hired rent-a-cops employed by the Jimmy Kimmel Show, but were acting as if they were on duty city police officers.

During the incident, someone tore the shirt of one of the protesters (another assault).

Jimmy Kimmell has so far refused to apologize to the group for the violent actions of his crew against innocent, non-violent citizens who were simply exercising their First Amendment right of Free Speech.

For more on this story, including videos of the incident, go here:

“Jimmy Kimmel crew tries to fry pro-lifer” by Jill Stanek.