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Sensible – [sen-suh-buhl] – having, using, or showing good sense or sound judgment

Posts Tagged ‘Wag the Dog

EXCERPTS: Charlie Gibson Interviews Sarah Palin (September 11, 2008)

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Most Americans who watched Charlie Gibson’s interview with Sarah Palin think that they actually heard everything she said in her answers to Gibson’s queries. But what they actually saw and heard was EXCERPTS… much of what Sarah replied was edited out.

An accident? I think not.

The mainstream media has engaged in a wag-the-dog type war against the conservative political animal known as… us. And some of them, too. The portion of the American population that assumes the media is always telling the truth was not surprised at the back-woods rube that was portrayed on their boob-tube (can I say boob on the internet?) because that’s the image they’ve been force-fed by the mainstream media ever since her name was uttered as McCain’s veep choice.

So, would you like to know what she ACTUALLY said?