Sensible Views Weblog

Sensible – [sen-suh-buhl] – having, using, or showing good sense or sound judgment

Archive for May 2014

Why Liberty Dies

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To truly have liberty, you must first understand what it is… and how to keep it. Read. Learn. Practice. Pass it down.

Dr. Robert Owens Chronicles the History of the Future

To understand why liberty is imperiled in our country today we must first state clearly and unequivocally what is liberty.  Then and only then can we understand what is necessary for its preservation as well as see what is undermining it today.  Liberty is the absence of coercion and the freedom to act upon your own will within the perimeters of not infringing the freedom of action of others.  The only way that has been found among the societies of man to ensure, promote and protect liberty is through the rule of law.

The rule of law means that government is not allowed to coerce an individual except through the enforcement of a previously known and explicitly stated principle of limited government.  This principle places a limit upon the power of government to legislate by calling into question what sorts of laws are legitimate and which is not.  This looks…

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Written by sensibleviews

May 15, 2014 at 12:49 pm

Posted in Uncategorized